Sunday 25 February 2018

Classification of animal kingdom

It is believed that at some point in time two distinct lines evolved from the very
earliest cell forms. They were a group without a nuclear envelope enclosing the nuclear
material, the prokaryotes, and a group with a nuclear envelope enclosing a true nucleus, the
eukaryotes. All animal phyla are multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophic organisms. Being
extremely vast and diverse, this kingdom is classified below using flow chart:
Kingdom: Animalia
Subkingdom: Metazoa Sub-kingdom: Protozoa
 Phylum - Protozoa
 Branch: Eumetazoa Branch: Parazoa
 Phylum - Porifera
 Grade: Bilateria Grade: Radiata
 Coelenterata Ctenophora
 Deuterostomia Protostomia
 Subdivision Subdivisions

Enterocelous Lophophorate Schizocoelous Pseudocoelomata Acoelomata
 Coelomata Coelomata Coelomata
 Phyla Phyla Phyla Phyla Phyla
Chaetognatha Phoronida Priapulida Acanthocephala Platyhelminthes
Echinodermata Bryozoa Sipunculida Entoprocta Mesozoa
Pogonophora (Ectoprocta) Mollusca Supper– phylum Rhynchocoela
Hemichordata Brachiopoda Echiurida Aschelminthes (Nemeertines)
Chordata Annelida
 Onychophora Phyla
 Arthropoda Rotifera
 Pentastomida Gastrotricha

Classification of animal kingdom

It is believed that at some point in time two distinct lines evolved from the very earliest cell forms. They were a group without a nuclea...